Editorial The One-model-fits-all fallacy May 13, 2022 serg datadata-centric aidata-scienceresponsibleai
Editorial The Downward Spiral of Bias in Machine Learning April 26, 2022 serg biasdata-sciencefairnessmachine learningxai
Personal You are not alone! April 15, 2022 serg careercognitive sciencedata-sciencelearningmental healthpsychology
My Book With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility April 8, 2022 serg deep learningexplainable aineural networksnlpxai
Editorial Navigating the World of Data Science March 30, 2022 serg careerdatadata-sciencedeep learninglearningmachine learning
A.I. Research Analog computing makes a comeback March 7, 2022 serg artificial intelligencebiomimcrychip designdeep learningelectronic engineeringneural networksstartups
A.I. Research Pathways to the Future of AI January 20, 2022 serg ai ethicsdatadeep learningethical aineural networksresponsibleai